Anilox Rollers
Anilox Rollers

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Lenticular Film | CTS Industries
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Lenticular Film | CTS Industries

Lenticular Film

Definition of Lenticular Labels

Lenticular labels are a group of images woven together to show dimensional effects through an extruded lens (Animation, Depth, and Color for examples). Popular lenticular applications: children stickers, business cards, game pieces, and promo labels.


Lenticular – A lenticular lens is an array of magnifying lenses, designed so that when viewed from slightly different angles, different images are magnified.

Lenticule – A single lens

Pitch – The number of lenses or lenses per inch (LPI)

Focal Length – The thickness of the extruded sheet

Viewing Angle – The angle of view of the lens

Benefits of Lenticular Applications in Flexographic printing

With flexographic plates capable of high resolution, and availability of lenticular roll stock, flexographic lenticular printing is an attainable option for flexo printers due to flexibility and high speed.

3D effects help the printer stand out from the competition for graphics and promotional work for high end clients.

100 lpi 3D- This “newly” designed 3D lenticular lens was requested by our customer base. Designed for optimum depth, the 100 lpi lenticular lens has a viewing angle of 30 degrees and is .0215” thick. This new offering has been endorsed by numerous lenticular printers as the finest 3D lens in the marketplace. (PACUR.COM)

Generally plate dpi can run at 300 or higher, which requires the need of higher engraving LPI’s of 1200 or higher. This is not a problem for CTS Industries, as we achieve engravings up to 1500 LPI on a regular basis.