Anilox Rollers
Anilox Rollers

Our Mission Statement

Quality through technology, and Innovation through specialization, has been our specialty since 1980

Contact Us

408 2nd St
Cedartown, GA 30125
(770) 748-3497
Daily Hours: 8AM-5PM EST
1-800-334-7117 USA & CANADA
February 2020 | CTS Industries
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February 2020 | CTS Industries

February 2020

VR implementation is a rising trend around the world. VR is not to be confused with AR (augmented reality). The core difference is that a true VR experience is a completely immersive experience that transports the user to another world, another place, etc. AR can...

Selecting The Right Anilox Cell Structure When selecting an anilox roller, you typically think of a 30, 45, or 60-degree engraved pattern. There are several variations of engraves in the industry, some of which are extremely unique and dependent on the engrave entirely. What is the...